Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The 10 Most Socially Advanced Countries

#10 Spain 

#10 You'll have a great life in Spain (if you can find a job).

#9 France 

#9 France is above-average all around.

#8  Japanese 

#8 The Japanese feel safe and sheltered.

#7 Australia 

#7 Australia gives individuals a long rope.

#6 America

#6 America's higher education system promotes freedom.

#5 Germany 

#5 Germany is a well-oiled machine.

#4 Canada 

# Canada is a safe bet.

#3 Switzerland

#3 The Swiss have freedom but lack opportunities.

#2  United Kingdom

#2 The United Kingdom is clean and healthy.

#1 Sweden 

#1 Sweden is the most socially advanced country in the world.

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